Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Diet Solution Program Review - The truth about apricots

Solar apricots native to north-eastern China. It is widespread in countries with warm climates. Residents of Uzbekistan carried - apricot trees have so many. Apricots are good in any form, whether it is fresh, cooked or dried fruit. The impressive list of useful properties of this fruit will encourage everyone to use as much of apricots. These fragrant fruits are rich in pro-vitamin A, vitamins B and C, mineral salts, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as tannin and pectin.

The benefits of apricots
Fresh apricots and dried apricots are very useful for people with kidney disease and cardiovascular systems, as they contain high amounts of potassium. A handful of apricots can activate brain activity - all thanks to the fruit which is part of magnesium and phosphorus. Apricots, namely pectin, which is contained in them, helps rid the body of toxins and cholesterol. Frequent consumption of this fruit makes a person energetic and relieves fatigue, including chronic. In diseases of the gastrointestinal specialists recommend eating apricots and decoctions of them daily.

On the application in medicine

Of course, thanks to valuable properties, this fruit is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, such as liver disease, anemia and exhaustion. Ripe fruits enhance metabolism. The infusion of apricot is used for hypertension. These tasty and sweet fruit - a great asset in the fight for a slim figure more info here go to Diet Solution Program Review.

What is important to know when choosing apricots?
Buy apricots with a thick skin and a uniform color without black spots. Apricot pulp should be easily separated from the bones, to be homogeneous without fibers, yet juicy. Better choice for cooking apricots with delicate skin and a sour taste.


In diabetes, unfortunately, can not eat saturated sucrose fruits apricots. Also, this fruit is not recommended to consume in hepatitis and decreased thyroid function. And, do not use the kernel apricot pits, as entering the body, they produce hydrogen cyanide - the strongest tissue poison.

Diet Solution Program Review ===== 5 healthy breakfast

Recently nezavtrakayuschih people became suspicious lot. However, the best dieticians and nutritionists say that breakfast - a very important and necessary part of any daily diet. A well-designed breakfast - perfect for those who do not want to suffer from the problem of digestion, cravings for sweets, fast food snacks, low mood and weight gain. Below - 5 breakfasts prescription known experts in the field of nutrition. 

Vegetable omelet and fruit
Oz Garcia, an expert on nutrition, Hilary Swank and Naomi Campbell, says its star wards never neglect breakfast of vegetable omelet and fruit. Omelet recipe is very simple: two egg whites and one yolk, spinach and tomatoes. And after it is allowed to eat half a cup of any fresh berries (better - season). "At this breakfast a lot of protein, which will help keep you feeling full throughout the day. And fruits and berries - great antioxidants." 

Oatmeal with milk 
American diet solution program and nutritionist Christina Riviera sure that breakfast is indispensable, especially if you work hard. "Neglecting breakfast automatically lowers the level of glycogen in the blood, which means that the day you are sure to stretch for sweets and run the risk of break," - she comments. Breakfast itself Christina - is cereal with milk, nuts and fresh cranberries. "I just pour half a cup of oats, a cup of milk, and for the taste and smell add cinnamon, cranberries and almonds. Cranberries - an excellent antioxidant, and almonds are rich in omega-3, beneficial for the heart.

Fresh fruit and a glass of milk
Nutritionist and professor of medicine at breakfast Keith Ayoob recommends drinking a glass of skim milk, and eating fresh fruit. In order not to be bored, Mr. Ayub dilutes his usual morning diet Greek yogurt, hard-boiled egg and whole grain cereals."I also like to add in the milk unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia - get a real hot chocolate.

Vegetable or fruit smoothies
About the beneficial properties of green smoothies, we wrote more than once, and in that we are 100% support dietitian and nutrition consultant star Kimberly Schneider. "It's very healthy and tasty way to eat breakfast: the body does not spend extra energy to digest food while feeling happy." Smoothie recipe from Kimberly Snyder includes water, spinach, celery, apple, pear, banana and lemon juice all together simply ground to a blender along with the cilantro, parsley or any other herb.

Whole wheat toast with almond butter 
Nutritionist and author fleksitarianskoy Dawn Jackson Blatner diets always start your morning with whole wheat toast with almond butter, sliced ​​apples and coffee. "Whole grain products are absorbed by the body much better than the usual bread and contain a lot of minerals. Almond oil - a source of valuable fat and protein, and the apples are high in fiber, necessary for proper digestion. As for coffee, it helps me wake up and think clearly, even the earliest in the morning