Wednesday, 4 July 2012

+++ Diet Solution Program Review +++ Stages Of Diet Plan Isabel

Diet Solution Program Review

Today's quest for a slender body and a wasp waist has taken global. On the internet came a myriad of sites offering all sorts of diet, training videos, etc. Body flex Such aspirations are fueled by the modern media. On the covers of popular magazines are looking at us celebrity and model looks anorexic, and film stars, as if competing with each other for a prize, do not stop talking about how they lost weight last week and how much they will drop in the future. Naturally, all this is deposited in our subconscious and we are frantically turn over hundreds of web pages in search of the miracle by which we can finally lose a couple pounds. If you choose one diet after another, most of which can hardly be called a diet, and we come to the logical conclusion of his quest .... But let's get right to business and talk about the diet, which literally blew up the internet today.

Isabel Diet Solution Program. First of all, I would like to say a few words about this man at least to understand what he meant by the word "diet". now known nutritionist Isabel chose a medical mission on their own. In a 10-year old Isabel famously brandished a small baby syringe, introducing himself as a savior of the human race. By becoming a nutritionist, he came to the conclusion that all existing and practiced techniques and methods for weight loss is absolutely without result. Despite the knowledge of megabytes and gigabytes, which were deposited in his head during training, he decided to find a new approach that not only helps to lose weight. The first thing he noticed was that most of the "losing weight" set themselves clearly unfeasible goal see video.

This often leads to disaster, and all in the same anorexia. In addition, Isabel convinced that being overweight is not just a shortcoming of which can be removed at any time. This is a serious chronic disease that requires an individual approach. Well, here we are approached by the methods of USA, who believes that everyone can lose weight. The diet is based on four stages, each of which is a logical continuation of his predecessor. So, diet solution program stages: Stage 1, a diet solution program "attack", that is, the fastest and 100% effective method. Stage 2 is called "striping" and allows you to achieve your desired weight. Stage 3 - "consolidation" and a means by that for every kilogram you must be thrown away 10 days. 4 and the last stage - the "stabilization." Once you reach the desired result read more

$$$ Diet Solution Program Review $$$ Lose Weight without Diets

Many of my own experience know how difficult and exhausting could be diet. And the most annoying is that after long-term "self-torture," the desired effect or not. What to do in this case? Sit on the new diet? Oh, no. We offer new and unique Diet Solution System that does not need any diet. 

The author of this methodology is a recognized psychotherapist, who are 100% confident in the fact that in order to lose weight is not the right diet ..... exhausting basis of the proposed course of Hypnosis: Lose Weight without dieting Hypnosis is a practical and unique method of positive thinking. everyone should learn to love yourself, that allow to reconstruct the hidden resources of our body to a healthy existence. 
Forget about diet, exercise and tedious "miracle" pills, which are invisibly destroy our bodies more info

The proposed method of weight loss has caused a sort of world revolution in the field of nutrition and dietetics. you are given the opportunity first hand to see how effective the proposed method. You can lose weight without self-torture and other effective methods.


Diet Solution Program Review

Before you answer the question of how many calories you need per day to lose weight, let's first define what we spend energy during the day. This is very individual.

In general, the energy produced in a time when your body digests food. Its costs depend primarily on lifestyle. Therefore, eating the same portion of the active people may even lose weight, and passive, on the contrary, gain weight read more for Isabel Diet Solution Program.


First, let's calculate how much energy you need per day and it how of foods we eat.

Below is the formula that is calculated daily calories needed you.
For women:

18-30 - (0.062 * M (kg) + 2,036) * 240

31-60 years - (0.034 * M (kg) + 3.54) * 240

over 61 years - (0.04 * M (kg) + 2.75) * 240

For men:

8-30 years - (0.063 * M (kg) + 2.9) * 240

31-60 years - (0.05 * M (kg) + 3.65) * 240

over 61 years - (0.05 * M (kg) + 2.46) * 240

Where M (kg) - your weight in kilograms.

The result obtained must be multiplied by a factor of your physical activity.

At 1.1 - if you have low activity.

1.3 - If moderate.

1.5 - If the activity is high.

As a result, you get the number of calories, which is necessary for you to maintain your weight in a stable condition. And the answer is how many calories you need per day to lose weight in this case is obvious - less than this result, but how you decide. Review your diet.

If you calculate the calories that are used daily by you (the table "food at z = calories" you can easily find on the internet) and this value is considerably higher than the resulting outcome of the formula - your weight will increase.

You can not reduce the number of calories consumed, but in this case, to lose weight you need to increase energy expenditure. Sports - a great opportunity to do so.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

***Diet Solution Program*** - How now return to your normal weight?

Many of us have recently returned from holidays. A couple of weeks in the country, Turkish hotel all included, European restaurants - all this led to the issue figures rose by an edge.

I myself, too, is no exception - spent a month in United States. I drank an insane amount of delicious juice. At too much ham, sausages, cheeses, baguettes, croissants, rolls with cream ... And it was all in the interval between meals, reminiscent of our lunches, but with portions of five times more. And 10 times more delicious.

How now return to your normal weight?

I thought. It would seem a sure way to lose weight - sit on a strict diet program. Stop eating anything at all, except for crackers and low fat yogurt. But can we go on vacation, then to torment yourself so? There are lots of "miracle" diets, recipes that are ready to share a girlfriend, evaluate their effectiveness. But we all know that should go back to normal, as the price dropped tremendous efforts pounds in a few days back. And sometimes it leads to a couple of new ... In addition, the court of autumn. And when the window is cold and damp, the only way to feel comfortable and cozy - normally eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the search for solutions has decided to rummage in the Internet. After scanning nearly a hundred of our sites and western, I (oh, joy!) Found that now the main trend - watch the video refusal of the diet solution.

That's what I found:

With the help of diets can be always in shape. But this requires an iron will, a penchant for masochism, a willingness to abandon all that we mean by the word "delicious", and the ability to push every day a fresh-calorie foods.
There is an alternative: nothing special self is not limited to, try to determine the extent and try to stick to it. To this very measure to determine the need to take a small plate and put some food in it. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly (once I've heard it, exactly.I get it to work: after the first mini-portions, I'm running for a second. And here is where the bug immediately run is not necessary, but we must try 10-15 minutes to take himself to be something. Anyway, what - watch the news, for example, or read a magazine.

We must find a way to use extra calories faster than they turn into side or cheek. We eat because we need energy. And if it does not stop in time, the extra energy to spend, improve metabolism. It is, of course, highly dependent on body weight, hormones, and heredity. But equally important factor - exercise. According to experts, the effective of all - strength and cardio fitness equipment read more.

I enrolled in a fitness center. At first it was hard to force myself to exercise every day. But a month passed, and the results are encouraging: already familiar feeling of constant hunger disappeared without a trace. Forces became more. Despite the cold, I almost never too cold. Especially when I walk quickly down the street. I lost weight I was not too hard. But the mood - excellent. And myself, and I really like my friends! Jannet Alicia