Diet Solution Program Review
Before you answer the question of how many calories you need per day to lose weight, let's first define what we spend energy during the day. This is very individual.In general, the energy produced in a time when your body digests food. Its costs depend primarily on lifestyle. Therefore, eating the same portion of the active people may even lose weight, and passive, on the contrary, gain weight read more for Isabel Diet Solution Program.
First, let's calculate how much energy you need per day and it how of foods we eat.
Below is the formula that is calculated daily calories needed you.
For women:
18-30 - (0.062 * M (kg) + 2,036) * 240
31-60 years - (0.034 * M (kg) + 3.54) * 240
over 61 years - (0.04 * M (kg) + 2.75) * 240
For men:
8-30 years - (0.063 * M (kg) + 2.9) * 240
31-60 years - (0.05 * M (kg) + 3.65) * 240
over 61 years - (0.05 * M (kg) + 2.46) * 240
Where M (kg) - your weight in kilograms.
The result obtained must be multiplied by a factor of your physical activity.
At 1.1 - if you have low activity.
1.3 - If moderate.
1.5 - If the activity is high.
As a result, you get the number of calories, which is necessary for you to maintain your weight in a stable condition. And the answer is how many calories you need per day to lose weight in this case is obvious - less than this result, but how you decide. Review your diet.
If you calculate the calories that are used daily by you (the table "food at z = calories" you can easily find on the internet) and this value is considerably higher than the resulting outcome of the formula - your weight will increase.
You can not reduce the number of calories consumed, but in this case, to lose weight you need to increase energy expenditure. Sports - a great opportunity to do so.
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